Forty years ago, the Southern National Laboratories (LNS) of the INFN were set up in Sicily, Catania. This centre of excellence of Italian physics is currently engaged in major international projects – including the KM3NeT underwater observatory for neutrinos – and national ones like the CATANA project for the treatment of eye tumours with proton therapy.
On June 28th the Municipal Administration of Mazzarrone is proud to present the new indoor multipurpose sports field “Filippo Raciti” realized within the project framework “I legal game” of the National Operational Programme “Security for Development”, organized by the Ministry Interior and co-financed by the European Union, which aims to raise awareness through sport culture of legality and respect for the rules.
Maria Elena Boschi, a member of the Italian Parliament, Minister for the Constitutional Reforms and the Relations with Parliament, during her visit in Catania, stopped by the National Laboatories of South, at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Her visit ended with a meeting with workshop staff.
PI4 services: audiovisual production.
A long streaming live realised by PI4 in Catania, which had hit a record high of ratings and turnout for the 11th edition of the European Researchers Night, an initiative promoted by the European Community, which envolved over 300 European cities and 52 Italian cities. The event program was held inside the LNS, at University Square and inside the harbour of Catania, which was the headquarter and the heart of this event , for one night of music, shows, science, exhibitions and games. During the exciting journey in the deep space with Darth Feder, with the shock troops of Star Wars and all its characters, everyone there was involved and excited.
Explore and learn through the entertainment and having fun, is the underlying philosophy of the European Researchers Night, which has seen thousands of people spend a night among workshops, conferences, installations, interactive experiments, games for young and old.
PI4 services: graphic design, audiovisual production, live streaming, media planning, gadgets, press.
Video Emotional
Final Video
Live streaming
The second joint seminar of COLL-AGAIN (France-Italy), COPIGAL (France-Poland), and POLITA partnerships (Italy-Poland), was attended by 110 participants members of the nuclear physic communities of the three countries. During this workshop, which lasted four days, we aimed to strengthen the partnerships that already exists and to promote new contacts.
The seminar was held at LNS of INFN from April 26 to April 29 2016.
This event was a real full immersion in research and innovation. Two days, March 18/19 2016, to talk about the progresses reached and funding opportunities, but also to find out new projects in different areas: from food industry to tourism, from health to environment. The Iamc ( Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment) of CNR, opened its doors to the insiders to host the students which came from different Sicilian Provinces. The Iamc deals with different issues concerning marine sciences: from biology to chemistry, from physics to geology. The Iamc conducts reaserch studies about renewable resources (like fishing and aquaculture), and marine technologies: a flagship for Sicily.
“I change the world with science: I am a key player” was the event title, and it was a big opportunity to let people know not only the territory and the unique Sicilian coastal strip, but also the selected research projects within the planning from 2007 to 2013. The researchers have been able to combine talent, creativity and usefulness.
But the real protagonists were the students, with their questions, their curiosities and their involvement. It was a wonderful day, which have seen students, teachers, researchers, companies and the research results all together, for a day of celebration of Science and Knowledge: a Sicilian excellence. This event, was aiming to show and describe to the students, in an attractive way, the results of the researches and the innovations realized in Sicily, in the laboratories and in the scientific departments of the island. The reaserches were illustrated by the protagonists, and this experience aroused great interest into STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree courses. It was a great opportunity to view 21 projects directly described by those who took part in those researches, to entertain with 4 deans of the Sicilian Universities and to visit the laboratories of Capo Granitola which belong to the Institute for Coastal Marine Environment of CNR.
At the end of the day there was an intense debate between students and deans about the new technologies applied in both the scientific and humanistic fields, and how they could be the new languages in order to succeed.
Organizers: Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) in collaboration with the Sicilian Region, the Department Sciences of Hearth System and Environmental Technologies of CNR, The National Institute of Nuclear Physics, the Local Education Authority, the University of Palermo, the University of Catania, the University of Messina, the University of Enna.
- Annamaria Zonno (Commissione Europea, DG RTD)
- Enrico Brugnoli – Direttore Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente del CNR
- Roberto Lagalla – Componente CdA del CNR
- Mila Spicola – Responsabile tecnico scientifico al MIUR
- Davide Faraone – Sottosegretario MIUR
- Andrea Conte (Project leader, Commissione Europea, DG JRC)
- Michele Punturo INFN, European Gravitational Observatory
- Giacomo Cuttone – Direttore dei LNS dell’INFN
- Angela Cuttitta Ricercatore CNR
PI4 services: web site, audiovisual production, live streaming, social communication campaign, media reports.
Sito web dell’evento