Internet Society 25th Anniversary

ISOC chose Catania as the only stage in the world event promoted by the global community to celebrate a special edition of #InterCommunity2017, which has involved more than 50 Internet Society sites worldwide, simultaneously connected to the central event that is held in Los Angeles, California and broadcast live streaming from our WebTV (September 19, 2017)

The choice of the sicilian place was motivated by the organizers: in Italy we chose Sicily for its “hub” conditions because of its strategic position in the center of the Mediterranean, which made it a crossroad where cultures and ideas have met over the centuries in a mix of traditions and beliefs capable of building cooperation, growth and innovation.


 Organized by

In collaboration with



 Video TV

 Live Streaming




Prod. Antonio Insolia – Direttore Sez. InFN di Catania

Dott. Federico Ruggieri – Direttore GARR